First off, what is is a travel tool that sources flight and hotel options from trusted travel sites, ensuring the greatest value both in price and quality for its customers.

Based on the hundreds and hundreds of deals and searches our members do every day, we’ve have some time and plenty of data to analyze what’s the best way to find and book our cheap flight deals.

We’ll outline a few recent examples.

A little bit about how works

First you enter where you departing from Los Angeles (LAX) and Traveling to: London LHR. next supply your departure day and return day and how many passengers in your group.

Here’s a sample deal we sent to our members not too long ago. Let’s take a look.

As we look closer the Bookingwiz solution compared to Google Flights, on a travel deal our members received by email, offer a greater savings for the customer of about $50 per ticket (round-trip). Similar sites, like Dollar Flight Club and Scotts Cheap Flights, would have directed its members to Google where they would have spent $50 more dollars than CheapFlightAlert Members.

We believe Google Flights serves a purpose. I has a ton of availability and searching is very fast and convenient. So we do not want you NOT to use it. But we want you first to follow the link in our email, text, Facebook or Slack message first to see the best deal.

Here’s a step by step on how Google Flights works

First they want you to Decide if you’re looking for a one-way or round trip and how many people are traveling with you, if any.

Then simple enter in your departure and arrival airports and dates. It’s that simple

But what we like about Google flights is the next step, where you see the available flight options. Here you can quickly see if you flew on different days, what it would cost, or maybe another nearby airport. You can even look at a Price Graph, which quickly shows you the prices for the given day, its a very nice feature.

In conclusion: Since our search links will produce the lowest prices, all of the time, we highly recommend using them first. I mean seriously, that’s why we’re in business…to provide you with the cheapest airfare ticket right? But in the end, feel free to book with whom you feel most comfortable. That could be Expedia, Priceline or United’s own website. As long as you’re getting the deal you want, we’re happy!