Guaranteed to Save $400+ on Flights

Unlock Premium Fares -Mistake fares and last minute discount flights -Domestic Flights (including Hawaii/Alaska) -Holiday / Peak Season.



  • 33% of the Deals
  • Non-Peak Deals
  • International Flights ONLY
  • Rare & Mistake Fares Not Included
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  • All the Best Deals (save above 60%)
  • Peak Travel Deals
  • Domestic/Hawaii/Alaska Deals
  • Mistake Fares and Last Minute Flights
Best Value
Premium Plus Weekend


  • All the features of Premium Membership
  • Super discounted weekend-only deals
  • Domestic/Hawaii/Alaska Deals
  • Mistake Fares and Last Minute Flights

What's Included in Premium Membership?

Unlimited access to our best flight deals. A must-have for international travelers. 30-day money-back guarantee.

  • Domestic and International deals
  • Get all the best deals
  • Hawaii & Alaska deals
  • Filter by preferred fly dates
  • 30-day money-back guarantee
  • Choose your favorite destinations
  • Choose your favorite airlines
  • Find out about deals FIRST
  • Auto-renewal - cancel anytime
  • Monthly flight giveaways
  • Business and First Class deal alerts

How we compare to our competitors ✌️

Premium Membership Feature Cheap Flight Alerts Dollar Flight Club Scott's Cheap Flights
Add Destinations vs Take me Anywhere
Add "When to Fly Dates" Filter
Choose your departure city/airports
Business and First Class deal alerts
Get alerts first before free members  
Free Cancellations, Anytime    
30 day money back guarantee    
Monthly Flight giveaway    
Domestic Flight Deals    

Why Cheap Flight Alerts Premium?

Premium members only receive our top deals - First!

Get all the best deals

Premium users receive our greatest savings on flight deals - flight deals that save you over 60% or more!

Receive the deals first

Cheap flight deals are sent to premium members first, before the free subscribers. So you're always first to know.

Choose your departure airports

Premium members can select the departure airports they want to receive deals for and will only receive the most relevant deal alerts.

Hawaii & Alaska deals

Exclusive deal to Hawaii and Alaska. Enjoy cheap airfare deals from the mainland USA.

30-day money-back guarantee

Try Premium risk-free with our 30-day money-back guarantee. If you aren't happy, we don't want your money.

Ad-free alert emails

Say permanent goodbye to advertisements in deal alert emails. Don't miss a deal to your dream destination!

Customized deals

Customize your deals by selecting specific places you only want to visit, like Paris, Rome, London for example and Specific dates you want to travel, such as November and December only.

Our Deals in the Last Week 🔥

Some of the hot deals we sent to our users in near past.

  • San Francisco to Bali $364
  • Atlanta to Lima $165
  • New York to Paris $260
  • New York to Canada $189
  • Los Angeles to Thailand $470

Trusted by over 100,000 Travellers Worldwide

Just don't take our word for it. Here is what our members are saying...

Upgrade to Premium to Receive Our Best Cheap Flight Deals

What's better than 60% off your airfare? And even 70% or even 80% off your ✈️. Only premium members receive these deals. Our deals are so good, they sell fast. As a Premium Subscribers you get deals 30 minutes before free members! A must have for International travelers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Still have some questions? We've got answers.

Can I try Premium for free?

Yes. We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee on our Premium membership. Give it a try and if you aren't completely satisfied, we'll refund your money. That's it.

What is a premium deal?

Deals with more than 60% of savings are considered premium and are only available to paid users. Premium deals also include Hawaii and Alaska cheap flight deals.

Is my payment information safe?

Absolutely. Our website uses a 256-bit encrypted connection and one of the most widely used secure payment systems Stripe. These payment processors are trusted by organisations such as Facebook, Twitter, and Uber. Our website does not store your payment card details.

Can I cancel anytime?

Yes. We only want you paying for Premium if you absolutely find it valuable. You can cancel your subscription anytime from My Account -> Subscription. If you choose to cancel within 30 days of your Premium Membership upgrade, send me an email to [email protected] and we will send you a full refund.

How many cheap flight alerts can I expect to receive?

It depends on how many we can discover, but on average Premium Members can expect 70 to 150 deals per month from airports within the United States and Europe.

More questions?

No worries. Please visit our complete FAQ page or contact us and we'd be happy to help.